A solid system of organisational and management policies.
Sarlux promotes the protection of the environment and of occupational health and safety by means of dedicated investments and a solid system of organisational and management policies, which are the cornerstones of its sustainable operations and are certified under the best international standards.

Sarlux is an industrial group whose people apply and promote a culture of safety on a daily basis.
Sarlux applies the HSE system (Health, Safety and Environment): this is our main tool for preventing major accidents, promoting occupational health and safety and protecting the environment.

Environmental Management System (EMS)
The HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) system is the end result of a complex process that in 2004 enabled Sarlux to obtain certification of the production site’s Environmental Management System (EMS) under international standard ISO 14001.
Safety Management System (SMS
Following a similar path to that undertaken for the EMS, as early as December 2007, Sarlux has adopted the OHSAS 18001 certification for the Safety Management System (SGS) for the protection of the health and safety of workers who, in order to cope in a manner structured and timely as the legislation evolves, in 2020 it was replaced by the new ISO 45001 standard.
Each year, the Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance certification body (LRQA Italy) verifies the company’s compliance with the requirements of the certifications.
An important milestone for Sarlux which once again underlines the commitment and sensitivity of the company on the issue of health and safety in the workplace.
In recent years, the two systems, for the environment and for H&S have been integrated into a single HS&E management system, and performance measurement and continuous improvement targets for the site have been introduced.
↓ Environmental Management System Certification ISO 14001 LRQA
↓ ISO 45001 LRQA Certification 2024-2026
↓ Policy on accident prevention and protection of workers’ health and safety and the environment

EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme)
In line with growing environmental awareness, since 2008 Sarlux has joined the Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS – Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) a voluntary instrument developed by the European Commission for companies to evaluate, report and improve their environmental performance. The main aim of EMAS is to help achieve sustainable economic development, by focusing on the role and responsibility of businesses.
↓ EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) registration
The companies that join the scheme must, each year, prepare an Environmental Statement, This is a report that communicates the environmental performance of their plants to stakeholders in a clear and transparent way.
We believe that extensive communication helps the public to be aware of health and environmental protection measures that make the Sarlux industrial site at Sarroch a source of wealth for the community, of which it is an integral and fully sustainable part.
As required by the EMAS Regulation, each issue and/or update of the Environmental Statement is made available to the public after the data contained in the Environmental Declaration are validated for Sarlux by LRQA Italy, an accredited and independent environmental verifier, and after the statement is reviewed by the competent entities.
In 2024 the Environmental Statement with performance data for the year ended on 31 December 2023 was approved. In order to facilitate a transparent relationship with the local community, the local authorities and our people, the 2023 edition contains the same improvements as the 2022 edition, which make the data more immediate and clearer to use and understand.
↓ 2024 Edition: Environmental Statement – three-year period 2022-2024, data updated to 2023

SARLUX was the first Italian refinery to receive the IEA, an award for the quality of its processes, its people’s skills and, of course, the equipment of its plants.
Under the IEA (Integrated Environmental Authorisation), industrial plants must comply with specific emission limits set to ensure protection of air, water and soil. This is a framework authorisation issued by Decree of the Ministry for the Environment, which entered into force on 9 April 2009, and replaced all other authorisations. The IEA is valid for 16 years, since the Sarlux plant holds the ISO 14001 certification and EMAS registration.

The Integrated Environmental Authorisation has transformed the approach to environmental protection.
The IEA Decree implements the IPPC Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, which has introduced an EU-wide strategy for improving the environmental performance of the industrial sites subject to authorisation.
The key aim of the Directive is to make a comparative assessment of the various environmental compartments and to unify authorisation procedures, to prevent separate approaches to the control of air, water and soil emissions from encouraging the transfer of pollution from one environmental compartment to another, focusing instead on protecting the environment as a whole. This means that the various solutions are assessed to ensure that improvement in one environmental compartment does not produce an unacceptable impact on another.
The measures set out in the IEA also show that the Company utilises as its benchmark the Best Available Techniques Reference Documents (BREFs) issued by the EU. These are documents on the best procedures, techniques, technologies, operational standards, efficiency and consumption, with industrial applications.
Source: Sarlux 2023 Environmental Statement

Energy saving and energy efficiency are key priorities and strategic assets for our company as they enable us to couple the goal of environmental sustainability with that of competitiveness.

Our commitment on this front is shown by our decision to adopt an Energy Management System (EMS), under UNI EN ISO 50001:2018, to improve our energy performance by reducing energy consumption, emissions and costs, and by improving the efficiency of our energy-intensive production processes.
Compliance with this scheme also ensures the growth of awareness and engagement of all stakeholders in sustainability issues, enabling the setting of objectives for the continuous improvement of energy performance, consistent with legal requirements and the energy policy of an organisation.
In 2018, the Energy Management System was certified by RINA and IQNET as compliant with ISO 50001:2018.
With the ISO 50001:2018 certification, Sarlux confirms its commitment to responsible and efficient energy management and its policy of using Best Practices as a fundamental business tool.

ACCREDIA is the only body designated by the Italian government to certify the competence, independence and impartiality of entities and laboratories that verify the conformity of goods and services to standards.

The Sarlux Chemical Laboratory, Sarroch headquarters, has been accredited since May 2008 in accordance with standard UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018 for oil and gas testing of refinery fuels as per the list of tests attached to the Accredia certificate. The accreditation number of the Sarlux laboratory is 00647 Testing, and can be checked on www.accredia.it.
The accreditation has been renewed until 2028.
Accreditation is the attestation, by a government-designated accreditation body, of the competence, independence and impartiality of the testing laboratory.
Accreditation ensures that the testing laboratory carries out all its activities in accordance with the requirements of the standards. Through the periodic surveillance mechanism, accreditation enables the laboratory to monitor its competence and compliance with the standards, and provides a benchmark for the laboratory to continue to improve its performance and demonstrate the quality of its work.