20 october 2021  -  
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Creating sustainable value

Sarlux 2021 Environmental Statement

The Saras Group’s activities have always been characterised by a strong focus on sustainability, through initiatives and investments aimed at limiting emissions and increasing the energy efficiency of the Sarroch refinery, with the aim of helping to achieve European decarbonisation targets.

Our strong corporate culture of maximum respect for the safety of people and the environment, together with our history as a responsible company, aware of its role, has enabled us to adapt quickly and optimise work in the field within the existing constraints, so as to pursue continuous improvement. The company’s recent strong push towards an increasing sustainability course comes as no surprise, as it is seamlessly aligned with the journey already underway towards the Group’s sustainable development. We understand that environmental necessity is also an important opportunity for economic growth which we must seize.

The 2021 Environmental Statement, approved by the Ministry of the Environment, certifies all the efforts that the Sarlux refinery dedicates to the creation of sustainable value by deploying advanced technologies that maximise the performance of our refineries while ensuring sustainability and respect for the environment.

Since 2008, Sarlux has voluntarily joined the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), and since 2009 the Group has published an annual Environmental Statement.

This statement is one of the key tools of our constant dialogue with internal and external stakeholders, facilitating an open and transparent relationship with the local community, public agencies and our own workers, who play an active role in the effective implementation of our environmental policies.

The Sarlux refinery’s performance data, published in the 2021 Environmental Statement, are validated by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, which certifies that the environmental data recorded at the Sarlux site comply with the EMAS regulations. 

This comprehensive disclosure promotes awareness of all the safety, health and environmental protection measures that make the Sarroch industrial site a source of wealth for the local community in which we are rooted.

The continuous improvement in environmental performance recorded over the years confirms our commitment to creating value and encourages us to continue on this path. Our story is one of efficiency. To do better we have to be more and more efficient; we look for efficiency in our processes, in our people and in the companies that work with us, because it is our way of creating value and being sustainable.

These achievements are made possible by the skills and high professional standards of the people who work for the Saras Group, which, combined with the investments in environmental performance and safety of around EUR 140 million in the last four years, make the Saras Group a leader in the refining sector.

respect for the environment as a key factor for productivity, market competitiveness
and long-term sustainability.

The Saras Group is one of the main European oil refining operators, and is also active in the electricity generation sector. Directly and through its subsidiaries, the Group sells and distributes petroleum products on national and international markets. In addition, the Group produces and sells electricity through its subsidiaries Sarlux Srl (IGCC plant) and Sardeolica Srl (wind farm). The Group also supplies industrial engineering and research services to the oil, energy and environmental sectors through its subsidiary Sartec Srl.

20 october 2021  -  
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