26 april 2023  -  
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Cybersecurity in enterprises

The seminar “Cybersecurity in enterprises”, a topic that companies can no longer avoid due to the ever-increasing spread of cyber dangers on the web, was held a few days ago in Cagliari at the headquarters of Confindustria’s Southern Sardinia branch.

For the Saras Group, Simonetta Sabatino, Head of Cybersecurity and Workplace Management at Saras, illustrated how a large Group tackles the issue of cybersecurity by showing practical cases and pointing out an ideal approach to an industrial development issue in a world where digitalisation is pervasive and business-enabling.

One point that particularly interested the audience was that of the recently approved and soon to be implemented EU NIS2 Directive, which, in order to strengthen cybersecurity, introduces new obligations and requirements for both group companies and the supply chain.

Antonello Argiolas, President of Confindustria’s Southern Sardinia branch, opened the event by emphasising that the event is part of a wider-reaching Territorial Plan involving institutions, entities, associations and businesses, which includes a series of joint actions for the development of the territory.

Michele Rossetti, President of the Innovative Tertiary Sector section, introduced the conference and the panel, highlighting the opportunity to raise awareness, not only among individuals but also among companies, on the importance of adopting cybersecurity strategies to defend their digital systems.

The speeches by the Sardinian branch of the Italian Postal and Communications Police held by Francesco Greco, Head of the Operational Centre for Cyber Security, Roberto Vargiu, Manager of the Operational Unit for Cyber Security and Luca Di Vita, Manager of the Section Countering Terrorism and Cybercrime of the Operational Centre for Cyber Security Sardinia, explained the essential tools for ensuring and managing the protection of industrial, banking, administrative and commercial data in companies.
Cyber threats, breaches and thefts of personal, corporate and banking data keep rapidly developing, mainly affecting small and medium-sized enterprises with considerable economic and financial damage.

Emanuele Piras, Chief Technology Officer of Faticoni SpA, confirmed the importance of training and planning in the culture of cyber security.

Every speech highlighted the need for companies to network in order to share a culture of cyber security and join forces in order to protect business with the proper functioning of the supply chain.

The Sustainable Energy for Inclusive Transition (ESTI) Plan moves in this direction. Launched about a year and a half ago, it is developing various projects with a view to increasing sustainability, continuous efficiency gains and synergy with the territory from an Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) perspective. The goal is to actively participate in the development of a sustainable, innovative and inclusive industrial model together with the other players in the territory.

Saras Group and the Postal and Communications Police signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2018 (read more) and in 2023 a Technical Specifications document with the aim of preventing cyberattacks on the Group’s information systems and ensuring greater security for the local economic and social system through cooperation between the public and private sectors, as set out in the National Strategic Framework and the National Plan for Cyberspace Protection and ICT Security.

The Saras Group is one of the main European oil refining operators, and is also active in the electricity generation sector. Directly and through its subsidiaries, the Group sells and distributes petroleum products on national and international markets. In addition, the Group produces and sells electricity through its subsidiaries Sarlux Srl (IGCC plant) and Sardeolica Srl (wind farm). The Group also supplies industrial engineering and research services to the oil, energy and environmental sectors through its subsidiary Sartec Srl.

26 april 2023  -  
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