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Environmental, Social and Governance. Sarlux and the inclusive transition

Sarroch (Cagliari), 16-07-2018. Sarlux- Gruppo Saras. Vista degli impianti.

The seminar ESG indicators for sustainability and business competitiveness was held a few days ago in Cagliari, at the headquarters of Confindustria’s Southern Sardinia branch.

The event is part of a wider-reaching Territorial Plan proposed by Confindustria’s (the Italian Industrialist Association) Southern Sardinia branch to institutions, entities, associations and businesses, which includes a series of joint actions for the development of the territory.

The two-day conference, aimed at entrepreneurs and managers of Companies operating at the Sarroch industrial site, provided useful indications and tools for the self-assessment of the system’s sustainability levels, in line with the demands of market dynamics, large clients and the banking system.

For the Saras Group, at the end of the first day, Walter Cocco, Head of Industrial Operations Sarlux, described to attendees the company’s experience with ESG matters: “Saras has developed a Sustainability Policy that, starting from an analysis of its processes, outlines its strategies, commitments and development towards ESG issues.  The Sustainability Report is the tool that summarises and reports on the actions carried out by the Group for sustainable development strategies” (link)

As explained by Walter Cocco, the Sustainable Energy for Inclusive Transition (ESTI) Plan is moving in this direction. Launched about a year and a half ago, it is developing various projects with a view to increasing sustainability, continuous efficiency gains and synergy with the territory from an Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)perspective. The goal is to actively participate in the development of a sustainable, innovative and inclusive industrial model together with the other players in the territory. (link)

The second day had a great turnout and was dedicated to the training workshop “Skills for Sustainable Business”. It was an intensive and productive experience with companies committed to making sustainability a competitive advantage.

The two ESG days are one more step on an innovative path that involves the entire industrial supply chain. The island’s largest player sets an example by pursuing development in synergy and harmony with the whole territory.

Marco Santoru, Director of Confindustria’s Southern Sardinia Branch

The energy transition enhances the economic transition, customers demand sustainability, investors look at sustainable products, shareholders support ESG.

Marcello Mereu, Manager of the Enterprises Branch in Cagliari of Intesa Sanpaolo Regional Head Office

Saras’ activities have an excellent ESG approach in involving the territory in a systemic approach, organising with Confindustria’s Southern Sardinia Branch a shared ESG management approach for the industrial sector that strengthens the businesses involved and consolidates the company on the market. Great work Saras!

Giovanni Soffietti, Credit Director of Confindustria’s Southern Sardinia branch and CEO of Soffietti Assicurazioni

The Saras Group’s Sustainability Strategy is consistent and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), launched by the United Nations in 2015. It sets out our company’s strategies, objectives, rules of conduct and commitments to improve our sustainability performance, optimise the management of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) themes, in which the company is engaged, and create shared value with our stakeholders.

Ensuring our operations do not harm the environment is essential for long-term productivity, competitive positioning and sustainability.

The Saras Group is one of the main European oil refining operators, and is also active in the electricity generation sector. Directly and through its subsidiaries, the Group sells and distributes petroleum products on national and international markets. In addition, the Group produces and sells electricity through its subsidiaries Sarlux Srl (IGCC plant) and Sardeolica Srl (wind farm). The Group also supplies industrial engineering and research services to the oil, energy and environmental sectors through its subsidiary Sartec Srl.

14 march 2023  -  
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