17 september 2020  -  
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Environmental Statement 2020

Sarlux- Gruppo Saras.Tutela della qualità delle acque marine

Being innovative, sustainable and a benchmark among energy suppliers.

Approved by the Ministry of the Environment, our Environmental Statement for 2020 reports on the environmental activities, policies and targets pursued by Sarlux, a Saras Group company, to continuously improve its environmental performance.

The Sarlux refinery’s performance data, published in the 2020 Environmental Statement (available here for download) have been validated by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA Italy), which certified for 2019 too that the environmental data surveyed at the Sarlux site comply with the EMAS regulations.

Sarlux is registered with EMAS – Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, a voluntary instrument developed by the European Commission to promote sustainable economic development, by helping to improve the environmental performance of companies. EMAS is a premium instrument for improving environmental performance, which provides regulators and citizens with access to certified information on the environmental performance of participating companies.

EMAS Sarlux

Sarlux has designed its HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) Environmental Management System in accordance with the templates provided by ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and with the Major Accident Prevention System.

In addition to reporting on the progress in the continual improvement of environmental performance, the Environmental Statement is a key communication tool for the clear and transparent communication of results to the public.

Sarlux believes that comprehensive communication promotes awareness of all the safety, health and environmental protection measures that make the Sarroch industrial site a fully sustainable source of wealth for the local community in which we are rooted.

Technological innovation and the #digitalSaras programme, which Sarlux has undertaken, exploit the potential of industry 4.0 and mark a further milestone in environmental management.

The publication of the annual Environmental Statement is an important event for the whole of Sarlux. In a spirit of open and transparent dialogue with citizens, the authorities and all stakeholders, the report provides detailed information on our industrial site’s environmental performance.

The continuous improvement in environmental performance recorded over the years confirms our commitment to creating value and spurs us to continue on this path, paying great attention to all stakeholders and especially to the local community.

The consolidation of our operations in line with sustainable development is confirmed by the major investment plan underway, with a budget of € 712 million in the business plan 2020-2023 and by our steadfast pursuit of innovation, a hallmark of the Saras Group.

The Saras Group is one of the main European oil refining operators, and is also active in the electricity generation sector. Directly and through its subsidiaries, the Group sells and distributes petroleum products on national and international markets. In addition, the Group produces and sells electricity through its subsidiaries Sarlux Srl (IGCC plant) and Sardeolica Srl (wind farm). The Group also supplies industrial engineering and research services to the oil, energy and environmental sectors through its subsidiary Sartec Srl.

17 september 2020  -  
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