21 february 2023  -  
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France’s ambassador to Italy, Christian Masset, visits Sarlux

Sarlux was one of the destinations of the French Ambassador who, on his trip to Sardinia, visited institutions, important economic and cultural enterprises as well as the French community present on the island.

We spoke about ESG, sustainability, the energy transition: all very important and current issues on which the Saras Group’s corporate culture is based. Being a responsible company means combining the development of production with the preservation of the natural environment in which the company itself is located and carries out its activities. Since its establishment, the Group has been pursuing this goal on a daily basis in all its areas of operation.

“France looks to Sardinia with great interest and friendship. Many of our young compatriots – said Ambassador Masset – choose this island not only for its tourist appeal, but also with a view to settling down and working here. My visit certainly represents the best premise for the expansion of our interests in this region, which, thanks to its strategic location in the Mediterranean and its rich environmental and cultural resources, is an ideal partner with which to engage in extremely valuable dialogue and cooperation”.

Within the framework of European cooperation between countries and regions, this meeting fosters mutual knowledge, is an opportunity for us to describe the Saras Group’s experience with high technology and innovation in our production and with the energy transition.– said Guarrata – Our strategy is inspired by sustainable development, with a business model that embeds the social and environmental dimensions into the company’s core business. The Sarlux refinery has been operating in this area for over 50 years and is a reference point for other companies in the industrial zone”.

Sarlux, the Group’s production plant, is one of the largest industrial sites in the Mediterranean and combines the development of production with the protection of the environment in which it carries out its activities. (learn more).

Testifying to this ongoing commitment over time, a year and a half ago a the “Sustainable Energy for Inclusive Transition” (ESTI) plan was launched, which has several projects underway with a view to increasing sustainability, continuous efficiency gains and synergy with the territory from an Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) perspective. The goal is to actively participate in the development of a sustainable, innovative and inclusive industrial model together with the other players in the region.

The Saras Group has been active in the production of electricity from renewable sources since 2005, through its subsidiary Sardeolica, which operates a wind farm in Ulassai, middle-eastern Sardinia, and two wind farms in Macchiareddu (Cagliari).

Lastly, with regard to the other activities initiated by the Group as part of the energy transition strategy, we should mention the projects on: green hydrogen launched in collaboration with Enel Green Power, “Carbon Capture and Storage” (CCS) with Air Liquide and, in the area of bio fuels, the possibility of expanding current production capacity.

The Saras Group, founded by Angelo Moratti in 1962, is one of Europe’s leading players in the energy and oil refining industry. Through its parent company Saras SpA and subsidiaries Saras Trading SA, based in Geneva, and Saras Energia SAU, based in Madrid, the Group sells and distributes oil products in the domestic and international markets. The Group is also active in the electricity generation sector through its subsidiaries Sarlux Srl (IGCC plant) and Sardeolica Srl (wind farm). The Group also supplies industrial engineering and research services to the oil, energy and environmental sectors through its subsidiary Sartec Srl. The Saras Group has about 1,572 employees and revenues of about EUR 8.6 billion as at 31 December 2021.

21 february 2023  -  
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