Sarlux works with schools to help students gain insights into the world of industry and link their education with first-hand experience.

For more than 50 years, the Saras Group has been promoting education and training activities for young people in schools and maintaining close relations with universities, aimed at fostering knowledge, skills and professional standards that enable young people to promote social development around the themes of employment, sustainability and economic growth, in a region such as Sardinia, which has struggled with issues of unemployment, particularly among young people, and the brain drain of inland areas.

One of the Group’s main objectives is to make entrepreneurial culture more widespread and help people to understand its value and importance.

Projects for schools
educazione Sarlux Saras universita


Postgraduate courses






educazione Sarlux Saras scuole superiori

High schools and vocational schools

Work experience for high school students


Entrepreneurship education for high school students


The new @school
educazione Sarlux Saras scuole medie

Middle schools



Right to education


Under the Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Cagliari, Saras is continuing to work in the area of corporate social responsibility, pursuing the exchange of know-how with the University.
A Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Cagliari and the Saras Group, in force since 1999, sets out the guidelines for collaboration between the Group’s companies and university departments. Under this agreement, research projects, internships, post-graduate work placements at our company and technical seminars are regularly organised to achieve two main objectives:
  • Design and develop industrial technologies,through research and educational activities for scientific and technological innovation.
  • Support students and build their knowledge and skills,through classroom-based seminars, internships or training schemes and study grants to enable them to pursue new professional opportunities, both with our company and with other industrial players.

Seminars and traineeships

The seminars represent an important partnership between Saras and the University that creates added value for students, the local area, the labour market and the entire community. These seminars provide information on the organisational structure and management methods of production processes within the modern Saras industrial system.

I believe that this initiative has been of fundamental importance for our education as students and to spur us on to always give our best. I found it very motivating to discuss my dissertation (hydrogen production from renewable sources) with respect to the company’s interests.

Laura, graduate in Chemical Engineering at the University of Cagliari

In June 2021, in an event held online due to the ongoing Covid pandemic, managers and engineers from the Saras Group’s refinery presented to the students and lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering’s Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering the innovations underway on energy saving and environmental sustainability, based on the guidelines of the European Green Deal and the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) and in line with our long-standing commitment to continuous improvement in full compliance with occupational safety and environmental protection through the implementation of the best HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) standards.

The various Saras Group companies have a long tradition of organising seminars aimed mainly at undergraduate and Master’s degree students in mechanical engineering and trainees in various disciplines. The seminars took place in person as long as it was feasible and then digitally after the Covid-19 measures were introduced in 2020.

The themes of some of our recent seminars include:
  • “Industrial system organisation and management”.
  • #digitalSaras: our digital transformation programme and Asset 4.0 initiatives
  • The new frontiers of predictive maintenance
  • Asset Management in an industrial operation
  • An invaluable resource: water – Management, needs and treatment of water cycles at the Sarlux industrial site
  • Project management
  • The role of engineers in our organisation
  • From University to the labour market

First of all, I found the meeting extremely interesting; in particular, one of the things that impressed me the most was the policies adopted on environmental sustainability, together with the research projects underway and the results achieved to date. To see how a company that apparently deals exclusively with crude oil refining actually focuses on so much more was really refreshing.
Another very interesting aspect was to see how versatile chemical engineering is and how chemical engineers do not have a specific role but can aspire to different roles within a company.
Nicola, student in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Cagliari

During the last open day before the onset of the pandemic, Sarlux welcomed to its Industry 4.0 Workshop more than 60 students from the Faculty of Chemical, Mechanical and Electronic Engineering and researchers based in Sardinia, to give them a first-hand view of the #digitalSaras programme. The future engineers attended presentations and Q&A sessions with the members of the Sarlux team, learning more about how augmented reality and big data are changing the world of industry.

Projects and studies

The Group companies, in line with their production areas, conduct research and experimentation projects with various faculties of the University of Cagliari on a variety of topics.

For example: with the Faculty of Chemistry, a project on the application of nanotechnology to distillation processes; with the Faculty of Geology, advanced training courses in the field of remediation and, in collaboration with CRS4, a “top-down cluster” on groundwater modelling and other environmental modelling applications.

Other projects include studies on wave motion near the Sarlux jetty in Sarroch, research projects on the removal of hydrocarbons from seaport waters, and a collaborative project on a pilot plant for the treatment of industrial wastewater

Master’s programme

Sarlux also collaborates in the Master’s course in Energy Resources Management (SAFE), which is sponsored by the Group’s parent company and covers integrated energy resource management methods with the cooperation of multiple players including public agencies, companies, financial operators, trade associations, media, academia and research. This Master’s course expands considerably professional opportunities in occupations directly or indirectly related to the energy and environmental sector.

The Group supported the stage held in Cagliari of the 2019 Makers University Championship which saw the participation of STEM students and recent graduates of the three-year and master’s courses in Engineering, Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics of the University of Cagliari. The Makers University Championship is the first Italian competition of Internet of Things (IoT) projects of the Maker world. Its aim is to boost the role of young people in the technological transformation under way and to promote the mastery of robotics, artificial intelligence and the IoT.



The Group, joining a project by the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering (AIDIC), has helped – for many years – to offer scholarships to the best engineering graduates who decide to pursue their postgraduate studies in Sardinia. This is a way to help to stem the ‘brain drain’ from Sardinia.

Thanks to the sponsoring companies, the AIDIC award ceremony has now become a successful event, continuing even in the difficult times we are currently experiencing.

Massimiliano Grosso, Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Cagliari

Through its workers’ club (CRAL), each year SARAS awards scholarships for all school levels, to the children of employees who have distinguished themselves for the excellence of their achievements.


Access to quality education fosters cultural growth, personal development and well-being: it gives everyone the tools to achieve their full potential. To this end, Saras, through the Group companies, offers a range of projects to meet the schools’ requirements and to contribute to innovative and more effective teaching.

Sarlux has partnered with the schemes for high school students sponsored by the Ministry of Education entitled “A scuola di impresa” (business awareness) and “Competenze Trasversali e Orientamento (PCTO)” (soft skills and orientation paths). We offer orientation seminars to high school students, to introduce them to a complex industrial operation that involves aspects such as workplace safety, human resources, training, management and corporate organisation, to give them a taste of the business world and help them to start thinking about future career options.

We are a school linked to the needs of the local area: meetings like this with Saras produce valuable input and further motivation to study.

Luciano Sanna, Headmaster of the Industrial Vocational School “Angioy” in Sassari

The projects linked to the ministerial programme “Soft skills and orientation paths” (PCTO) continued online and, where possible, in person throughout 2021.

Specific seminars were held in 8 classes at 3 vocational schools, in which company engineers and managers covered industrial topics such as safety, environment, energy efficiency, production processes, maintenance processes, ICT and various others, often using simulations to demonstrate the Group’s way of working and pass on what is useful for entering the labour market.

Over the last few years, more than 1,000 students have taken part in PCTO courses (soft skills and orientation paths) and have been able to experience the world of work up close and, in particular, to observe the complex system of skills and technological innovation that develops in an industrial Group. This has certainly helped to increase our interaction with the local population and to establish a corporate social responsibility model to be maintained over time.


The layouts from the winning design used to decorate Sarlux’s shuttle buses
The competition Street Art 4.0 #diamociunaMoSSa (let’s move) on the theme of sustainable mobility, developed in collaboration with the Regional School Office of Sardinia and Anpal Servizi (Labour Policies Agency), involved over 50 high school students in designing an urban transport system able to minimise environmental impacts while ensuring efficient, smart and fast travel.

To work on the project, students relied on the store of knowledge and skills provided by Sarlux staff on issues relating to the environment, safety, energy efficiency, and the Industry 4.0 programme, developed to improve the efficiency and output of production processes through new digital technologies. The best project was for the decorative design concept for the shuttle buses carrying Group staff within the Sarlux industrial site.

The RAIn – “Tell me about the Future and Innovation” competition has now seen a number of editions; open to students of the last three years from all the high school in Sardinia, the competition is on the theme of change and new technologies.

The students were asked to present, in a three-minute video, their vision of the future, with a choice of topics including school, culture, health, transport, sustainability, work, energy. The makers of the best videos were rewarded with visits to technology start-ups in Italy and abroad to further develop their ideas and project design capabilities.


For more than 20 years, Saras has supported the cultural development of pupils at the Comprehensive State School in Sarroch and Villa San Pietro, the municipalities around the Sarlux industrial site.

The initiatives and activities with Saras fit in perfectly and are complementary to the activities we plan every year; thanks also to the great and constant commitment of the teachers, who take advantage of these very useful opportunities for our students.

Headmaster of the Comprehensive School in Sarroch

Over the years, theGroup’s commitment to the right to education has led to thecreation of a chemical laboratory, sports facilities (including the provision of defibrillators), and the organisation of seminars, workshops and financial literacy activities.

Particular attention was paid, especially during the peak phase of the pandemic, to providing IT teaching equipment for both the distance learning with the donation of tablets and classroom learning by equipping the school with state-of-the-art computers and printers.

As part of the “Saras for Schools” educational programmes, the Group has reconfirmed its values of social commitment and sustainability by delivering to the approximately 120 students, in the spirit of the circular economy, textbooks on loan for use, which will be then passed down to the following year’s students, unless new editions are adopted.

Developing people’s potential by fostering their professional growth


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