Projects for the local communities
Sarlux’s presence brings economic development to the territory, generates innovation and exchanges of knowledge and skills with the university community.
Sarlux integrates with the territory, develops new technologies, and encourages the creation of downstream businesses supporting its operations; it is a major driver of economic activity and development fostering innovation in the field of environmental technologies and renewable energy production and the growth of many production companies with international values and outlook.

The Saras Group promotes training activities for young people in schools and maintains close relations with universities, to foster social development around the themes of employment, sustainability and economic growth in a region deeply affected by the brain drain, especially of young people.
For Sarlux, corporate social responsibility means spreading entrepreneurial culture and making people understand that ‘doing business’ in Sardinia is possible.
Projects for schools

Postgraduate Master’s courses
Graduation thesis

High schools and vocational schools
Work experience for high school students
Entrepreneurship education for high school students
The new @school

Middle schools
Right to education
Already when it first opened, back in 1967, our production facility welcomed students from the Faculty of Chemistry of Cagliari. Today, we continue to put young people in touch with professional opportunities by creating a link between their studies and workplace experience through seminars, research projects, undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships, in partnership with the Faculties of Chemistry, Engineering and Geology and with high schools.

We support the educational values of sport: fair play, respect, inclusion, safety also through a number of sponsorships to both amateur and professional sports clubs.
The Sarroch Volleyball Club 2005, the Gioventù Sarroch football team and the Amatori Capoterra Rugby club are expressions of the territory, and the Group is proud to help them grow and offer formative sports opportunities to young people.
Projects for sport

Footbal Academy Cagliari Calcio
Saras Football Academy Tournament
Road to Sardegna Arena
Training of coaches and managers of affiliated sports clubs
Gioventù Sarroch

Sarroch Volleyball Club 2005

Amatori Rugby Capoterra

Other sports
Saras prize for sport
Safe sport in Sarroch
Sport without borders
Saras is the main sponsor of the Cagliari Football Academy, the academy of the Cagliari Football Club created to be a point of reference for young Sardinian footballers and foster their talent and personal growth, seeing sport as a driver of individual development. Each year, the Saras Football Academy Tournament sees 500 small players from all over Sardinia compete against each other.
Talent scouting and discovery, training seminars for coaches and coach assistants, awards, events are other ways in which the Group promotes sport and the territory.

The Saras Group, today a well-established international player, was born and developed in Sardinia, an island which has a strong identity and which the Group respects deeply.
In the area around the Sarroch industrial site, the Group supports social, cultural, educational and sports initiatives.
In recent years, projects focused on giving back to the community have included: construction of a family playground; the Safe sport programme in Sarroch which has equipped all the sports facilities in the town with defibrillators; support to FAI – the National Trust for Italy in its mission to protect, care and promote enjoyment of the country’s historical, artistic and environmental heritage, and the agreement with the Opera House (Teatro Lirico) Foundation of Cagliari for educational concerts in schools in Cagliari. We also sponsor each year events linked to the passage of Sant’Efisio, one of the most important religious processions in Sardinia, held every year on 1 May without fail since 1657.
Sarlux engages in constant dialogue with the territory, we are committed to protecting the environment and we support initiatives for the social, economic and cultural development of the communities around the Sarroch site.

With a significant workforce and a number of allied enterprises and production units, the industrial complex of Sarroch is one of the main petrochemical sites in Italy, recording positive values in the various economic, technology and social indicators.
The Group employs 1,591 people, mostly at its operations in Sardinia (86%). The Group company with the highest concentration of employees is Sarlux, which, at the end of 2022, employed 1,203 people (76% of the total), with an increase compared to the previous year following the merger by incorporation of Sartec into Sarlux.
An industrial site leader in the Mediterranean
Sarlux ecosystem
One of the strengths of the Sarroch industrial area is the ecosystem of small and medium enterprises that create value and grow thanks to synergies with Sarlux, supplying auxiliary and maintenance services and building expertise they can also offer to other industrial companies.
In addition to large companies such as Versalis, Sasol, Air Liquide, Eni Gas GPL, the area is populated by many local businesses.
Over the years, some of them have grown significantly, have specialised and built a stock of skills and professional expertise that has allowed them to expand their operations, first to other industrial sites in Sardinia, later to the rest of Italy and abroad.
Sarlux has 286 suppliers of goods and 297 service contractors, with a total procurement budget of € 351 million, an increase compared to the 299 million euros of the previous year. In particular, the locally procurement, i.e. from companies having their registered office in Sardinia, is equal to 116 million for service contractors, 45% of the total.
In selecting its suppliers and contractors, Sarlux prioritises those that obtain and maintain certifications of their quality, environmental and safety management systems. In 2022, 65,6% of our suppliers and contractors held ISO 9001 certification, 31,3% ISO 14001 and 31.3% OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001. These percentages are steadily growing.