9 march 2023  -  
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Solidarity: SoloWomenRun 2023

Sunday 5 March saw a record-breaking SoloWomenRun in Cagliari: 12,000 women took to the streets of the city centre, walking and running together in support of the many associations that are the backbone of women’s solidarity.

We interact with these associations, sharing their values and goals and trying as much as possible to support theirprojects and initiatives as part of our social commitment.

Human dignity and respect for people are the cornerstone of the Group’s corporate culture.Respect for human rights, equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion, and the commitment against all forms of discrimination have always been a hallmark of Saras operations, which uphold and implement internationally recognised principles (read the Saras Group’s Sustainability Policy).

The 2023 SoloWomenRun in Cagliari was made possible thanks to the support of multiple sponsors: the Saras Group, together with other important partners, supported and made possible this incredible event that brings generations together in an expression of female solidarity.


SoloWomenRun is a supportive women’s race that combines sports with social responsibility initiatives.
The Charity Goal, an integral and significant part of the event, awards a large part of the race participation fees as prizes to financially support the three best social responsibility projects developed for the community by local charities. The projects will be evaluated by the ethics committee based on four requirements: support to families, direct involvement of women, immediate feasibility, and number of participants in the race.
Presentation of the awards and the official announcement of the three winners will be held by the end of June 2023.

The women of the Saras Group in SoloWomenRun

Respect for human rights, equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion are the values that characterise the Group’s corporate culture.

These values are represented by a large group of Saras women who joined and participated in SoloWomenRun, showing their support for this emblematic social responsibility initiative.

Solidarity and closeness to others is motivating, enriches us and fills us with energy


It doesn’t matter if you walk or run, what matters is participating! It’s a small gesture, after all: but when you are in the middle of that pink wave, you feel part of something big.


A special day to celebrate the perfect union of sports, women and solidarity.
I am happy to have been a drop of that immense river of pink. I feel proud to have been there as a Saras woman alongside all the women who fight every day for their victory!


Saras is an integral part of and a reference in the community.

The Saras Group is one of the main European oil refining operators, and is also active in the electricity generation sector. Directly and through its subsidiaries, the Group sells and distributes petroleum products on national and international markets. In addition, the Group produces and sells electricity through its subsidiaries Sarlux Srl (IGCC plant) and Sardeolica Srl (wind farm). The Group also supplies industrial engineering and research services to the oil, energy and environmental sectors through its subsidiary Sartec Srl.

9 march 2023  -  
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