10 june 2024  -  
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Sports at school

Always on the field to promote the culture of sports.
Loyalty, respect, hospitality, safety are values ​​that the Saras Group shares with the world of sports and supports its educational values ​​through numerous sponsorships of amateur and professional sports associations and related cultural initiatives.

The Sport at school 2024 project, organized by the Municipal Administration of Sarroch in collaboration with the sports and social associations of the area, the Comprehensive Institute of Sarroch and Saras, ended a few days ago.

The common goal is to offer the opportunity to acquire new motor skills, try out different sports disciplines and thus stimulate the sporting and cultural growth of young people, promoting inclusion through sport.

During the event at the Tiddia Stadium in Sarroch, around 250 girls and boys from the 1st grade Secondary School and the Primary School of the Comprehensive Institute had the opportunity to try their hand at various sports proposed by the associations: from football to cycling, from tennis to boxing, from volleyball to land lessons in canoeing and sailing.

Eight sports associations representing different disciplines joined the event: ASD Gioventù Sarroch for football, ASD Veloclub Sarroch for cycling, Accademia Pugilistica Sarroch and Santa Vittoria Boxe for boxing, Sarroch Polisportiva Volley 2005 for volleyball, Tennis Club Sarroch for tennis, SKS Scuola Kayak Sarroch for water sports, and finally Circolo Bocciofilo Sarroch contributed to making the ancient game of bowls known.

In addition, A.Vo.S Sarroch provided an important operational contribution, with its health facility, and Diapason Music School provided audio systems and entertainment music.

On this day, the Saras Group involved the Academy of Cagliari Calcio, which participated with the presence of Cagliari Calcio striker Andrea Petagna. The footballer actively participated in the games, arousing great enthusiasm among the students and, by recounting his experience, he underlined the importance of cultural and sporting growth.


Solidarity on the pitch

To the sports competitions, the Sarroch Comprehensive Institute combined a solidarity fundraiser for the children of Africa, intended for the purchase of life-saving food-therapeutic kits, suitable for an 8-week treatment.

Here is some feedback from the participants in the initiative

The day of sport and solidarity was a great success thanks to the excellent synergy of intervention between the school, the sports clubs of the area, the municipal administration and Saras. The initiative highlighted how the school has the fundamental role of educating students, not only in knowledge, but also in ethical and civil values ​​​​of justice, solidarity, empathy, tolerance, responsibility, sincerity, loyalty, cooperation. Therefore, the teachers of the Sarroch comprehensive institute during the school year implement numerous initiatives to raise awareness of various social issues with the aim of carrying out an Education for Solidarity intervention in the context of civic education.

Paolo Ligas, vice-principal of the Sarroch comprehensive institute

We cannot help but be positively impressed by yesterday’s demonstration, because seeing the smiling faces and enthusiasm of the children is the feedback that makes us understand how much it was appreciated. Even if, for my class in particular, the students said that the best experience of their life was going to “Asseminello” and being able to see the Cagliari players. For this we thank the support of Saras, which allows our students to live such beautiful experiences.

Adelina Cancedda, contact person for the Primary School of the Sarroch Comprehensive Institute

“Sport a Scuola” ha offerto ai ragazzi e alle ragazze l’opportunità di sperimentare e di capire qual è lo sport che più li piace. Il progetto fa parte del programma elettorale e come Amministrazione Comunale, vogliamo proseguire su questa strada. Contiamo per il prossimo anno di anticipare i tempi e far partire il progetto fin dall’inizio dell’anno. Vogliamo ringraziare l’Istituto Comprensivo di Sarroch per aver accolto positivamente il progetto; le associazioni sportive del territorio per la partecipazione e la collaborazione; Saras Spa, Diapason Music School l e A.Vo.S Sarroch per il supporto.

Matteo Argiolas, consigliere con delega allo Sport del Comune di Sarroch

A beautiful day of sport yesterday in Sarroch, where everyone present from the youngest to the oldest was able to experience sport at 360 degrees, all delighted by the splendid surprise that Cagliari Academy and Saras wanted to give to those present with the presence of Andrea Petagna … what can I say, once again Cagliari Academy and Saras impeccable and always at the forefront of youth sport.

Rocco Canepa, president of ASD Gioventu Sarroch

The Saras Group, founded by Angelo Moratti in 1962, is one of Europe’s leading players in the energy and oil refining industry. Through its parent company, Saras SpA, and subsidiaries Saras Trading SA, based in Geneva, and Saras Energia SAU, based in Madrid, the Group sells and distributes oil products in the domestic and international markets. The Group is also active in the electricity generation sector through its subsidiaries Sarlux Srl (IGCC plant) and Sardeolica Srl (wind farm). The Saras Group has about 1,591 employees and revenues of about EUR 11.4 billion as at 31 December 2023.

10 june 2024  -  
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