5 july 2016  -  
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Suazo at the Cagliari Football Academy workshop


There was also David Suazo, a former Cagliari team player and today trainer of the Under 17s at the second workshop of the Football Academy of the Cagliari FC, delivered to the coaches of the amateur clubs affiliated to the Academy, of which Saras is the main sponsor. The event held at the Cagliari sports centre at Asseminello was a great opportunity for assessing the first 18 months of operation Academy, which has no less than 31 affiliated clubs and two training centres. During the meeting held on Friday 1 July new programmes were planned, focusing on the training of the youngest footballers and their instructors. Sports and technical/tactical training is coordinated by Oscar Erriu, head of the Academy, for basic planning, and Luisa Pittau, Saras psychologist and an expert in group dynamics. Luisa discussed the principles of sports teaching and the growth of small athletes, from the point of view of both sports and human/social skills.

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Assessment and planning at the workshop of the “Saras Football Academy”

During the proceedings, physical trainers Marco Calligaris and Giuseppe Allegra described the planning of physical activity of the young footballers, which is based on a platform to assess each player from the physical, personality and technical viewpoints. Present at the workshop were also Suazo, trainer of the under-17s, Renato Copparoni and Matteo Stagno the team’s general secretary for sport. At the end of proceedings, the Cagliari staff introduced the new technical sponsor, Macron, which will supply uniforms to the main team and all affiliated clubs.

5 july 2016  -  
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