Sustainability Policy
The Saras Group’s Sustainability Policy, approved in early 2022, sets out the guidelines and objectives that the Group is committed to pursuing with regard to ethics, the protection of human rights, diversity, inclusion, attention to local communities, dialogue and relations with stakeholders and suppliers, ecological transition and protection of the environment.

The Saras Group’s Sustainability Policy applies to all Group companies and is based on the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs), launched by the United Nations in 2015, as well as on the Group’s own values, as set out in its purpose, its code of ethics and, above all, as translated into practice throughout its history.
The policy sets out our company’s strategies, objectives, rules of conduct and commitments to continuously improve our sustainability performance – in line with our motto “Step Higher” – and optimise the management of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) themes, in which the company is engaged, and to create shared value with our stakeholders.
Saras clearly spells out its sustainability strategy, based on our ongoing environmental, social and governance commitment, by publishing each year the Group Sustainability Report (available for download here). This document is more than a list of actions taken: it is also a way to engage in fruitful participatory dialogue with all stakeholders, in a framework of mutual commitments and responsibilities that are key for our shared future development.

The guidelines and objectives that the Saras Group is committed to pursuing are:
Promoting ethical and correct behaviour and preventing corruption
In all it operations, Saras puts the strongest focus and commitment on ensuring regulatory compliance, promoting ethical and correct behaviour and preventing all forms of corruption.
Protection of human rights, diversity and inclusion
Human dignity and respect for people are the cornerstone of our corporate culture and are essential components of the Group’s sustainability. Respect for human rights, equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion, and the commitment against all forms of discrimination have always been a hallmark of Saras operations, which uphold and implement internationally recognised principles.
Support for local communities and dialogue with stakeholders
The Saras Group maintains and builds long-term relationships with its stakeholders and local communities, as we consider this to be the basis for business success and value creation.
Protection of the environment
Ensuring our operations do not harm the environment is essential for long-term sustainability, productivity and competitive positioning Therefore, the Group’s operations are designed so as to minimise our environmental footprint and include the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity when we develop our projects.
Ecological transition
Technological innovation is one of the fundamental levers for pursuing the objectives of energy transition in a sector that plays a strategic role in the national, European and global economic system.
Relations with suppliers of goods and services
Suppliers are essential partners in achieving the Group’s sustainability objectives; Saras builds its relationship with suppliers based on respect, loyalty, impartiality and equal opportunities.
Saras confirms its position as a point of reference for its stakeholders and, in particular,
for the communities with which it interacts.

Ensuring our operations do not harm the environment is essential for long-term productivity, competitive positioning and sustainability.
Being a responsible and sustainable company means balancing business development with the preservation of the natural environment, as well as supporting the communities in which the company is based and carries out its activities. The Saras Group, since its establishment, has been pursuing this objective every day in all its operational areas.

The cornerstones of this vision, on which the Group’s long-term continuity and sustainability is founded, are numerous strategic aspects of the Sarlux refinery, amplified and supported by the competence and motivation of our people.
These include the central location on the oil routes, the size and complexity of the industrial site, the integration with electricity and petrochemical production, the focus on health, safety and environmental protection, the commitment to the ecological transition and social responsibility, and integration with the local context.
The Sustainable Energy for Inclusive Transition (ESTI) Plan moves in this direction. Launched about a year and a half ago, it is developing various projects with a view to increasing sustainability, continuous efficiency gains and synergy with the territory from an Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) perspective. The goal is to actively participate in the development of a sustainable, innovative and inclusive industrial model together with the other players in the territory.

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