Over the years, we have implemented an array of effective actions to make our operations sustainable, shrinking their environmental footprint, while always protecting the health and safety of our people and of the communities that host us and develop with us.

The Group’s Sustainability Strategy, by virtue of the values of the Code of Ethics and the Company’s corporate purpose underpinning the Code, is consistent and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to implement the principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which reflects the continuous improvement approach followed by Saras to create shared value, improving its operating, economic and social performance every day.
The Group’s sustainability model, which is set out in the Saras Group’s Sustainability Policy, available for download here, applies to all the Group’s companies and sets out the guidelines and objectives that the Saras Group is committed to pursuing in the following areas:
- promoting ethical and correct behaviour and preventing corruption
- themes relating to people, protection of human rights, diversity and inclusion
- social issues, support for local communities and dialogue with stakeholders
- protection of the environment
- ecological transition
- relations with suppliers of goods and services.

As the Saras Group operates in a territory, Sardinia, with a precious and sensitive ecosystem, and in an industrial sector requiring the utmost attention to sustainability issues, our daily actions are constantly focused on protecting the health and safety of our workers and the local community, and on safeguarding the environment and natural resources.
All the sustainability policies of the Saras Group and the Sarlux refinery are clearly described, with the support of objective and certified data, in our annual Sustainability Report and in our Environmental Statement.
Sustainability Report
Saras publishes the Group Sustainability Report which, alongside other instruments such as the EMAS Environmental Statement, transparently illustrates our sustainability strategy, based on constant environmental, social and governance commitment.
The Sustainability Report (available for download here) is not merely a tool for reporting on actions taken: it is also a way to engage in fruitful participatory dialogue with all stakeholders, in a framework of mutual commitments and responsibilities that are key for our shared future development.
In 2020 too our report pursuant to Legislative Decree 254/2016 on the disclosure of non-financial information complied with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative.
To determine the priorities of our sustainability drive, we believe it is essential to engage in dialogue with all stakeholders whose interests intersect or are shared with those of our company. This approach, in line with our Group’s long-held emphasis on transparency, fosters ongoing constructive and participatory dialogue with stakeholders. This participatory approach has led to the creation of the Group’s materiality matrix.
In the first ESG compliance report, published in April 2021 and produced in accordance with the SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) standards for companies listed on the Italian stock market, Saras ranked first on the MTA market with regard to environmental aspects.
The SASB approach analyses five ‘material’ dimensions (environment, social capital, human capital, business model & innovation, leadership & governance) according to the likelihood of their impact on a company’s operational and financial performance and its risk profile.
Environmental Statement
EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) registration
As required by the EMAS Regulation, each issue and/or update of the Environmental Statement is made available to the public after the data contained in the Environmental Statement are validated for Sarlux by LRQA Italy, an accredited and independent environmental verifier, and after the statement is reviewed by the competent entities.
The Environmental Statement certifies all the efforts that the Sarlux refinery makes to create sustainable value by deploying advanced technologies that maximise the performance of our refineries while ensuring sustainability and respect for the environment.
From this link you can read directly on the site a browsable and interactive version of the Environmental Statement with data updated to 2023.
If you prefer or need to download the pdf you can use this link

The focus on social and environmental responsibility is a cornerstone of our Group’s history, as evidenced by the long list of investments made over the years and the many environmental and social certifications we have obtained.
Our priorities are:
protecting the health and safety of all the people who work daily at our facilities – employees and contractors – to achieve the goal of ‘zero incidents’, building a strong safety culture through a range of activities including over 20,000 hours of health and safety training per year and over € 100 million of spending over the last three years in the HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) area
protecting the environment. To do so, we pursue a number of initiatives and investments to minimise the use of primary water sources, optimise the management of waste and effluents and reduce atmospheric emissions. We are implementing a multi-year investment plan to increase further the energy efficiency of our plants and processes, and we intend to increase the production of energy from renewable sources
supporting our people, by promoting continuing skills development, recognising their commitment and fostering their sense of belonging to the organisation. We believe that our people are our most valuable resource and that the know-how we have acquired in almost 60 years of business, together with our daily commitment, sets us apart and enables us to meet the challenges of the global market successfully
focusing on the community and social issues, through actions to consolidate employment levels and increase local value creation. We believe in a business model that grows hand in hand with the local community, as shown by the ecosystem of small and medium-sized enterprises that we have generated around our industrial site, which in turn grow and create value in synergy with us, building skills that they can also apply to other geographical areas and industrial sectors in continuous dialogue with the Group

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