29 november 2023  -  
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The 2022-23 National RLSA and RSPP Conference

Integrated sustainability and decarbonisation targets: analysis and methods.

This is the title of the 2022-23 edition of the National RLSA (Workers’ representatives for health and the environment) and RSPP (PPSOs – Prevention and Protection Service Officers) Conference promoted by Confindustria Energia, Filctem-Cgil, Femca-Cisl, Uiltec-Uil and organised, in Cagliari and Sarroch, by the National Joint HSE Body for the Energy and Oil Sector (Organismo Paritetico Nazionale HSE Settore Energia e Petrolio).

The conference, the first held after Covid, was attended by the top management of the Saras Group, which hosted the event and helped to organise it, representatives of national trade unions and representatives of Confindustria Sardegna Meridionale (Italian Industrialists’ Association – Southern Sardinia Branch).

We must always think in new ways” said Sarlux CEO Carlo Guarrata during the opening remarks. “By using advanced technologies we can maximise our refining performance while ensuring sustainability and respect for the environment.

The first day speakers highlighted the need to involve in the sustainability activities carried out within companies also the local institutions, business and environmental associations, schools and citizens interested in environmental issues.
This is a best practice of the Saras Group, which engages with the local community by supporting projects to strengthen the social context, history and local traditions, collaborating with schools and universities (internships, scholarships, etc.) and sponsoring cultural and sports associations.
The main themes of the conference included new energy-efficiency technologies, digitisation and Artificial Intelligence, which will pave the way for new types of Smart PPEs in the future applied to the organisation of work.

On the second day, the conference continued at the Sarlux refinery where participants learned about production and visited the control rooms of the refining and Targas plants.

The conference’s success, confirmed by the large turnout, showed the solidity and importance of the Energy and Oil sector and its primary role for the industry in our country.

The Saras Group, founded by Angelo Moratti in 1962, is one of Europe’s leading players in the energy and oil refining industry. Through its parent company Saras SpA and subsidiaries Saras Trading SA, based in Geneva, and Saras Energia SAU, based in Madrid, the Group sells and distributes oil products in the domestic and international markets. The Group is also active in the electricity generation sector through its subsidiaries Sarlux Srl (IGCC plant) and Sardeolica Srl (wind farm). The Saras Group has about 1,576 employees and revenues of about EUR 15.8 billion as at 31 December 2022.

29 november 2023  -  
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