17 june 2020  -  
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The Saras Group’s actions during the covid-19 crisis

Right from the start of the coronavirus emergency, the Saras Group has taken action to protect the health of its people – the company’s top priority – and to guarantee the continued supply of fuel and electricity essential for daily life.

We have also launched initiatives to support the most heavily affected communities.

Management of the emergency phase

  • Back in February, after the first infections were reported, we immediately set up a team of managers, asking them to ensure the safety of people and the continuity of operations, monitor the progress of the emergency and liaise with all stakeholders. Management at the production site have been in constant contact with the local authorities, have promptly implemented and complied with all the safety measures and requirements established by the Government and have promptly drawn up an ad hoc Operating Plan to manage the emergency.

Health protection actions

  • To address the emergency quickly and effectively, the company introduced smart working for many of its desk-based workers, to minimise the risks of infection in the offices. Out of the Group’s 1745 employees, 680 were assigned to work from home. The company has made this decision in all the regions and countries in which it has operations (Italy, Switzerland and Spain), maintaining on-site only the essential workers required for operations.
  • All domestic and international staff work travel has been suspended.
  • From the first days of the emergency, Saras has implemented safety protocols in the plants and control rooms and at the laboratories of its local offices to guarantee the continuity of operations. With regard to the maintenance projects under way, the objectives and timing of the works have been redefined and all the appropriate precautions have been taken.
  • We have distributed the appropriate PPE to our staff and to the employees of contractors working at Group sites.
  • Other measures taken include utilising monitoring equipment and tools and supplies for disinfecting spaces, surfaces and vehicles, as well as physical distancing measures.
  • Shifts have been reorganised to achieve safer staff distribution.

Welfare, engagement and training

  • A health insurance policy has been activated for all employees, covering the risks linked to the epidemic.
  • Saras communicates regularly with its employees via email messages and intranet activity reports.
  • The catalogue of distance learning modules has been expanded.


  • The company has equipped itself for smart working and has expanded the provision of IT equipment to staff. During this period, a peak number of more than 250 people connected simultaneously was reached.
  • The Shareholders’ Meeting was held entirely via videoconferencing.

Corporate social responsibility

  • Saras has supported various initiatives in favour of the Italian national healthcare system to address the Coronavirus emergency: in particular, we have made donations to the Lombardy Region, the Niguarda and Sacco hospitals in Milan, and the Brotzu and SS Trinità hospitals in Cagliari.
  • The Group, through Sarlux, has supplied free fuel to frontline public agencies coordinating the response to the emergency in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari.
  • In the early weeks of the pandemic, in response to the shortage of face masks, the Group donated a large number of masks to the municipalities of the Sarroch industrial area, the police and civil protection.
  • Saras has also given technical support to schools, donating personal computers for online teaching to some middle schools in Sarroch and Milan.


  • The Saras Group employees have donated to the hospital SS. Trinità of Cagliari essential diagnostic and treatment equipment.

The Saras Group is one of the main European oil refining operators, and is also active in the electricity generation sector. Directly and through its subsidiaries, the Group sells and distributes petroleum products on national and international markets. In addition, the Group produces and sells electricity through its subsidiaries Sarlux Srl (IGCC plant) and Sardeolica Srl (wind farm). The Group also supplies industrial engineering and research services to the oil, energy and environmental sectors through its subsidiary Sartec Srl.

17 june 2020  -  
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