The “Sarroch model” in the Diocesan Labour Day
Industry, agriculture, tourism, the craft sector and research. In the name of this co-existence between different production sectors, the Diocese of Cagliari celebrated at Sarroch Diocesan Labour Day, on the day dedicated to Saint Joseph. On Saturday 19 March, some representatives of the main sectors discussed the theme of work during the round table entitled “Territory, Development and Employment”. After opening remarks by Don Giulio Madeddu, director of the Ufficio per la Pastorale sociale e del Lavoro, by Parish Priest Gianni Locci and by the Mayor of Sarroch Salvatore Mattana, these themes were discussed by Oriana Putzolu, Secretary of Trade Union Cisl, Alberto Scanu, President of The Industrialists’ Association of Sardinia, Luca Sanna of the Farmers’ Union and Carla Medau, Mayor of Pula, interviewed by journalist Anna Piras from Rai Sardegna.
Oriana Putzolu stressed the fact that Sarroch is indeed a model combining together the land, tourism, agriculture and industry, that is a successful example of a policy that harmonises economic development with protection of the environment. Talking of natural beauty, Pula’s Mayor, Carla Medau, stressed the undeniable advantages possessed by this territory, which however is not immune from the plague of unemployment. “Thanks to far-sighted entrepreneurs we are benefiting from the development of one of Sardinia’s primary industries, tourism, but other sectors are feeling the crisis, such as farming and food production, despite the high quality of local production”.
Alberto Scanu highlighted the capacity of this production area to integrate different sectors, and mentioned that this area of Southern Sardinia had been recently been awarded a prize as Sustainable European Tourist Destination. “But the values of work should be interpreted correctly to create the right awareness on the environment and work – the President of the Sardinian industrialists’ union went on to say – without falling into a fight between opposing sides”.
Speaking for the Farmers’ Union (Confagricoltura), Luca Sanna reminded attendees of the great role played by farming in Sardinia’s export, with farm produce second only to petroleum products. “Thousands of small entrepreneurs contribute to raise employment levels in Sardinia”, he reminded his listeners.
During closing remarks, Archbishop Arrigo Miglio referred to the words of Pope Francesco. “The Encyclical Laudato Sii has become very popular among non-believers too – because the theme of the environment is rich in opportunities. The Pope tells us we should respect Creation, which exists to serve the individual. We must combine our knowledge to create a valid work ethic”.
On conclusion of the round table, Don Miglio celebrated Mass in the Church of Santa Vittoria, at Sarroch.