Value for the territory


Since its foundation in the 1960s, the Saras Group has pursued a process of constant growth, internationalisation and transformation, while maintaining deep roots in Italy and, especially,
in Sardinia.

It is important to measure the economic benefits of our Group’s activities, both at national level and for the local communities and territories, which Saras considers among its key strategic stakeholders, those who have the greatest influence on the Group and in turn are most influenced by it.

From its inception, Saras has built close ties with the territory.
Our development has gone hand in hand with development of the local area.

The study entitled ‘Saras value for the growth of the local economy’ produced by the European House – Ambrosetti, was commissioned precisely to measure the value created by the Saras Group in Sardinia and Italy and communicate it transparently, looking not only at financial results.

The study, based on the ‘4 capitals’ model, describes the Saras Group’s contribution to growth of the local capital, with a multidimensional approach covering economic, sociocultural, intellectual and environmental aspects – the four capitals – that contribute to the growth of the local capital.


In the most difficult years for European refining (2009-2014) Saras showed not only resilience but also vision, by investing to maintain its leadership role in the refining industry.

Today, Saras is one of the largest companies in Italy in terms of turnover and the largest company in Sardinia, the second in terms of number of employees: 90% of the Saras workforce is based in Sardinia.

Saras exports account for 82% of Sardinia’s total exports.

Saras pays taxes in Sardinia and contributes to the Region’s public finances with € 456 million, 5% of the Regional Government’s budget.

Any alternative scenario to the refining business operated by the company would make Sardinia significantly poorer.

Against a national context of declining public and private investments, the company has moved in the opposite direction, contributing significantly to the growth of the local and national economy: we have invested more than € 2 billion in the past 12 years and plan to invest over € 800 million in the period 2019-22 (+40%) mainly in the areas of safety, the environment and IT processes.

In the province of Cagliari alone, Saras generated added value of almost € 700 million in 2015 (77% of the added value of the manufacturing sector in the province).

Saras also helps to support various supply chains in Sardinia: the value of its supplies of goods and services in Sardinia amounts to € 237 million, of which 98% in the province of Cagliari.

Adding to the direct contributions the indirect component and the induced component,
Saras’ contribution to Sardinia’s economy exceeds € 456 million.

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